In Andalusia there is a large sample of ecosystems, the result of natural evolution and how to take advantage of resources by human beings who have populated and populate their territory.
The great biological, geological and landscape diversity of Andalusia means that this region is considered one of the richest and best preserved regions of Europe. This diversity, the degree of conservation and the possibility of making nature conservation compatible with the orderly use of natural resources and economic development, were sufficient reasons for the publication in 1989 of Law 2/1989, of July 18, by which the Inventory of Protected Natural Spaces of Andalusia is approved and additional measures are established for its protection.
Nowadays, in accordance with the provisions of article 1 of Decree 95/2003, of April 8 (BOJA number 79, of 04/28/2003), the Network of Protected Natural Spaces of Andalusia (RENPA) “is configured as an integrated and unitary system of all natural spaces located in the territory of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia that enjoy a special protection regime under regional, state and community regulations or international conventions and regulations. ” In addition, it can be included, totally or partially, in other similar networks of superior territorial scope, whether national or international.
In the same way any provision of active tourism service inside and outside the natural spaces is regulated by the Ministry of Tourism, and must comply with DECREE 20/2002, OF JANUARY 29, OF TOURISM IN THE RURAL AND ACTIVE TOURISM (BOJA num. 14, of February 2). Based on this concept, RENPA is integrated by 242 spaces that, together, cover an area of the order of 2.8 million hectares, of which 2.7 million are terrestrial (which represents approximately 30.5% of the surface of Andalusia) and the rest are maritime. It is the most important network in surface and in number of protected areas of the European Union, being in it the most representative ecosystems of Andalusia.
It means that over each of the spaces that make up the RENPA may fall more than one of the possible categories, figures or protection designations. Thus, for example, the same space can be both a Natural Park, a Site of Community Importance (SCI), a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) and a Biosphere Reserve.
The objectives of the RENPA are:
- The coordination of the general management systems of protected natural spaces.
- The external promotion of the protected natural spaces in a homogeneous and joint way.
- Collaboration in state and international programs for the conservation of natural areas and wildlife.
- The exchange of information with other networks or systems of protection, as well as with those national or international organizations related to the protection and conservation of nature.
- The promotion of the values, attitudes and behaviors of respect to the nature of the inhabitants of the protected natural spaces and, in general, of all the Andalusians.
- The promotion and sustainable development of natural resources based on their values and singularities